Hassani Group of Companies


Code of Ethics & Fair Operating Practices

Our Code of Ethics and Fair Practices are based on the existing Corporate Business Conduct handbook and updated to include international principles and rules of ethics, mainly the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact covering human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption; International Labor Organization principles; in addition to principles of fair practices and consumer protection. Malia Group complies with the 10th Principle of the UNGC, as published in our Code of Ethics and which explicitly stipulates, “Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.”


Responsible political involvementMalia Group allows for the political participation of its employees as long as the involvement is done responsibly. In setting the framework of said responsibility and to protect the company and employees from negative political exposure, payments and favors provided to public servants, politically exposed persons, and parties is strictly forbidden. The Group’s involvement with the public sector and policymakers may occur in the improvement of regulatory and policy matters that affect the national economy as a whole.

Fair competitionMalia Group operates in accordance with fair competition practices, be it applying the principle of non-favoritism when dealing with public authorities and/or allowing suppliers to compete for business based on the overall value offered to the Group.

Respect for property rightsRespect for property rights is ensured by the legal and ethical dealings of the Group.

Promoting social responsibility in the sphere of influenceCorporate Social Responsibility is central to Malia Group’s business approach. We are highly compliant in safeguarding the Environment and on issues related to Social and Grievance principles.


Click here for Code of Ethics

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Our Guiding Principles
Corporate Governance